
house, again

I visited another house this afternoon. It looked OK as houses go, double glass windows, new central heating, new pipework and new electricity. A very large garage and basement, in a nice area. Only the roof would need renovation in the near future.

Just one thing though - it has an outside loo.

No comment, just see for yourself.

EDIT: the house has, of course, two bathrooms with very nice clean toilet pots inside...


the quest continues

See the previous post - I just got a call from the real estate agency, the owner sold the house directly, behind everyone's back, for 5000 € more than our bid.

In any case, we were not prepared to give that much more.


alea iacta est

It is done. I signed a bid - now the owner of the house has 10 days to accept (or decline). According to the real estate agent selling the house, the owner will accept.

We'll see.

I'm feeling a bit feebly now.

To be continued.


House, continued

Most likely it will be this one. The outside looks good, but mind you, we will have to change the electrical system, the central heating (at least some radiators and the burner) and the windows. On top of that, for esthetic reasons: the kitchen, bathroom and the floors. Floors are easy though - nothing like Quickstep! With such a nice dog on the front page, they must be good. They sponsor Belgium's best cycling team as well.

Might seem like a lot of work (it is!), but be assured all this had to be changed in any house we saw over the past two months. At least, this one already has central heating... We also plan to do a lot of the work ourselves, including most of the electrical stuff and the central heating/plumbing. I heard very nice things about this company - they provide the parts, information and training, you install everything, they check and certify it.

EDIT 13/04: I just got a very nice present from my parents - they propose to ease the financial burden a bit. My in-laws did the same. Thank you very much!!

Comments are welcome!

Lease a sheep

Check this out. A very inventive idea, started in The Netherlands. Of course, a Belgian already invented tattooed pigs, but that was art.

However, having a PR background myself, I don't see very well which products I'd advertise on sheep. Shampoo, maybe? Raincoats?

Maybe it's just me, but any clothed animal inevitable reminds me of excesses like this or this...




A bit quiet here, lately. Mostly because we (I) are almost full-time searching for a house to buy.

Things look good, only money seems to be a problem.

To be continued.