
Note that I have considerable driving experience; about 45.000 km/year the last three years, most of it in and around Brussels. Also note I have my driver's licence since March 99.
So I think I'm quite entitled to have a say about traffic - I spend two hours a day in the car, on any given normal day.
Now... is it normal that I either pee in my pants laughing about stupid questions on even more stupid traffic regulations (half of the course book), or that I'm completely lost in hairsplitting discussions about the solid white line between driving experience and theoretic knowledge (the other half of the course book).
I will not rant about the ridiculously high fines here in Belgium (Flanders). I will just say this:
if Franz were still alive, he would try to get asylum here. (Note the asylum link refers to a Dutch page - French would have been possible as well. Apparently the Belgian government's institution responsable for asylum demands does not have a webpage in English. See what I mean?)