ITIL Practioner

An official letter arrived today. Normally I do not enjoy official letters since they mostly speak of speeding offenses, but this was one was different.
It officially announced me passing the IPRC certification exam I took last month. I did not pass with a large margin, but in these things you pass or you fail. "Close, but no cigar" does not buy you anything at this level. In fact passing rate is minimum 65%, on a multiple choice exam.
We'll see if I'm now also "more expensive", for my employer's clients...
Those of you who know ITIL might enjoy the following:

Winter pleasures
A rather bad picture of our fireplace, but you get the idea. I hope our gas bill will be quite a bit lower next year - we can heat the entire ground floor except the kitchen, using only the fireplace!
If I really go hard with wood we reach 27°C, which even for Dana is too hot. If only I could get some real wood, instead of the pinewood we are using now. Pine burns rather fast, which is good for starting the fire, but not so good for keeping it going. Some oak or beech would be welcome.
Not a lot going on for the rest, we are just finishing off all the annoying small works left unfinished the past months. Finishing the bathroom downstairs (I hope to hang the toilet pot later today!), cleaning and tidying the garage, reorganising the kitchen - and next week I hope to find the doorframe for our glass door in the living room.
Then some painting in the kitchen and the hallway - and all is done, untill the roofer comes in in Spring...