I think this was the longest period without update here. Entirely my fault, but I have good excuses. There was quite some work in our house done, some planned, some entirely unplanned. To name but a few things: our construction "waste" has been removed (12m³, with approx. 3m³ left...), the kitchen and entry hall painted and finished off, and most important our new
garagedoor was installed. Quite cheap, fully automatic, well isolated and definitively burglar-proof!
Paid work was very busy as well, January ticked off on double the normal call volume of "my" helpdesk. Now I'm not taking calls, but nevertheless the pressure is on. Especially with a lot of new colleagues and a *very* large migration coming up in two months.
And totally unrelated (although I had work long to pay for it..): I finally cracked, and bought myself a big boy's present: a decent semi-pro DSLR, the
Nikon D200. And of course learning to handle such a beast takes time, loads of time. It was for once a good ebay deal: 2/3rds of new price, almost mint condition, with 5700 pictures taken with it.
5700 clicks might seem a lot, but then again I took about double that amount in 2007 alone... of which about 3000 during a 5 day event.
No pictures yet, since the learning curve is rather steep, but I promise something
nice very soon.
Labels: D200, loads of work