
pictures Harpo

Since the Blogger picture upload utility is such crap, I revitalised my flickr account.

So, here goes: Harpo pictures :)

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Harpo: pictures and pee

Harpo does not try to lick the camera anymore, perhaps the flash puts him off.

He did some more pee, most of it inside. A bit excitement, and a bit slow reacting from Mr and Mrs stellegasie. Nothing to do about it - every time he goes on his labradorloo outside he gets praise, and a treat now and then.

Now, the pictures:

Harpo is here!

He's here! Eyes of the River Harpo - alive and kicking, and for the moment stuck between his bench and the wall. Even a 8 week, 6 kg labrador fits in some surprisingly small places...

All seems to be well, Harpo did a poo and some pee (one of which inside, because we were not paying enough attention).

Puppy poo stinks. Really stinks. Think baby poo territory.

No pictures worth posting yet. Every time I bring out the camera he wants to come and lick it :)


he's coming...

These are our last dog-less moments.
All is ready. He is coming.




A lot of news after some long busy months: a new job, new things in our house, and in the near future a family expansion!First things first: I changed jobs, basically went to another consultancy. Payment is better, in about a month or so the car will be better. Downside: my new client is crap. Even Dilbert can't describe it. If you think SOX is fun, think again!
As for the house: our "garden" has no more building on it. The walls around the garden, left standing when the building was removed, are not in danger of falling over anymore. My father and myself constructed a nice wooden roof next to one wall; we'll store firewood under it. The wooden terrace is done, fertile topsoil has been brought in so next spring we might even see some vegetation.
The house itself is coming together nicely, the only things left to do are either to expensive for the moment (new bedrooms above the garage) or to annoying/boring (painting, installing the second loo downstairs,...) to do.One nice novelty: our garage now not only has an automatic garage door (10m2!) but also a real, metal, closeable back door!

More important than house and job is new future family member: end this month we finally get our doggy, a chocolate labrador!! I don't know if the picture below, taken a week ago, is ours; if not then it is one of his brothers or sisters :)

Mr and Mrs stellegasie can't wait, in fact the entire dog setup is already installed, chewtoys are ready, books read and reread, holidays booked, the name choosen (and carefully kept secret!) ...

We are visiting the kennel at least every week now, and it is surprising to see how fast our puppy grows. Last weekend he was already over 3 kg - on his way to the 40+ kg in about a year!
