
... at least we were not the only ones

I stumbled upon this just now, while waiting for a video rendering. As Youp likes to say: "visiting Ikea might be a bad idea - but at least we were not the only ones!".

We did manage to find what we wanted (what the Misses wanted!): a 4 meter wide "wardrobe system", sliding mirror doors, birch veneer finish and all the internal fluffy drawers and tie holders included. And oh yes - it matches our nearly finished master bedroom floor!

Just read the article above, especially the tips area. When visiting Ikea during a holiday you might want to take a break, but forget about the restaurant. Also forget about any quiet time around; I think Ikea is so successfull because it takes care of one's children, not because of price or convenience. Did I mention already I don't like children, especially not when they come in strollers, grandparents attached?

Also prepare for fights - you will have them, although maybe not with your partner. I surely had some today. Can I help it most Ikea customers are so horribly slow and don't know how to behave on a parking lot?

All's well that ends well.



I'm not really into Christmas - apart from my dislike of the religious part, it always seemed a bit commercial. Over the top. Obligatory presents and the like. Eating till you drop (that's not that bad though; but I'd rather do it whenever it suits me, not when I'm expected to).

This year's December holidays will be different though. We already did presents: for my wife, for me, and for our respective parents. In fact I can't stop playing with mine: I have been nagging about it for two years now...

But what makes this Christmas stand out is the general craziness of the Flemish. Bad taste in decorations, to say the least. Everywhere you look you see these hanged Santa Clauses, sometimes even in little groups.

After a quick count this weekend on the King's roads I can safely state Belgium from now on has a Santa density of 1 per 250 meters, in built-up areas. Would make a great idea for taxation - maybe this way the government could save this years budget?


Christmas is said to be a family affair. So this is the perfect time to post on our newest family member - Bengo. The most cute and well-behaved Jack Russell one can imagine! Unfortunately he does not live in our house - he is with my cousin.

That leaves us, and my parents for that matter, as the only household in our Belgian family without a dog.

This will not do.