

We're currently waiting for a thunderstorm. I happen to like thunderstorms (to bad my wife does not like to stay outside in the rain...); for now I'll be just happy when the temperature goes down a bit.
For reference: we woke up this morning at 27°C, when we came back from work it was 33°C, and now - 5 hours later - we have an interior temperature of 31,5°C. All windows open of course, let's hope today we won't get any worldcup noise.

A positive thought to end: it is predicted the weekend will have temperatures ranging around 24°C, with light wind and overcast skies. Perfect for flyfishing :)


Blogger TDEC said...

yeah, it's really hot here too...and no improvement expected, since we're off to florida tomorrow, but lots more airconditioning than belgium.

di jun 20, 10:44:00 p.m. CEST  

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