
general stupidity

I spent the best part of yesterday afternoon cleaning virusses/spyware from a Windows 2000 laptop here in the office. I could not get it clean completely, so I called in expert, fully Microsoft certified, help - who, after another three hours, decided to wipe the system and prepare a new pc.

The cause? Apart from the known Windows problems: general, no-excuse, absolute stupidity from the user of that pc. She did about anything you can do to kill a good (protected!!) windows installation, except visiting porn websites.

So imagine: two well-paid technicians lose about 7 man-hours for this, and then the user complains on the fact we deleted his (illegaly downloaded) music from his (office!) laptop.

Two remarks:
- sometimes I regret you can't use violence in everyday office life
- I'm happy to use OS X at home!

As a side remark on this: in our IT problem logging system "spyware" is a subdirectory of "Windows 2000". A telltale sign, no?


Blogger TDEC said...

time to post something neeeeeeew

za sep 16, 05:28:00 p.m. CEST  

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