

This was a good week. Best of all, our renovation permit form now resides with the Sugartown administrators. Duly dated, approved and signed threefold by all neighbors.

Training for my new function finished. This very evening we wished good luck upon my predecessor. With lots of beer, as it should be done. A nice perk: the function comes with a laptop, about the best one can get for real work apart from this.

I did some decent biking as well. It is quite hard not to bike these days - earlier this week temperatures reached 30°C. Climate change might not be so bad after all.

And tomorrow we will go forth and choose our fireplace/woodstove. If things continue like this we will even have a finished living room before summer! Oh, and all our wooden floors (the actual construction, not the finish) are now replaced with the modern stable OSB panels. With help from my father and cousin we even managed to get the last one relatively horizontal!