

Check this - if only now we could afford a decent powermac and some displays, we would not have to spend money on furniture to be used in our future house...

For the moment though, I'll have to stick with my PowerBook. Which is worth every euro of the 2300 euri I spent on it! Unfortunately, it's box will only comfortably accomodate a gerbil. I like gerbils. I even kept mine in the freezer for some time after he died (euthanasie, I admit - I could not stand the thought of the poor thing suffering a horrible cancerous death). Don't worry: I packed it in a plastic bag (boterhammenzakje, for us Dutch-speakers). My flatmates in Leuven probably never new their pizzas were lying in a morgue.



We had excellent spring weather this Saturday - cold, clear sky, and a bright sun. Traditionally, Saturdays are doggie-walk days, se there we are: Toby, Dréke, Arko - with attached people. For Toby and Dréke, see my previous posts, my photo page and my wife's blog. As almost always we were walked in Bergerven, a local nature reserve. It's a man-made lake (+ surrounding shrub/forest area), created by dredging for pebbles and gravel (see this, a fine example nearby). Bergerven has drinkable water (only place in Belgium afaik!), and the best still-water trout flyfishing on this side of the Channel. 60 cm rainbow and brown trout are no exception...

Enough on Bergerven for now - this is supposed to be Arko's post. Arko is a fine American Staffordshire bullterrier (sometimes also called a pitbull). Very calm, exceptionally well trained, and not aggressive at all (unlike Toby, mentioned above). Arko is in fact the exact opposite of the scary pitbull stories that pop up from time to time.

Arko often combines work-outs and his love for water by dragging a watersoaked log almost his own size out of the water, and then proceeding to the destruction of the poor log. See for yourself...

FYI: I will try to make a small quicktime film on Arko available tomorrow evening.


virus cat

I will write more on this later, for now please check the link*

*: picture from cuteoverload.com


university memories...

This weekend I've been doing quite some lay-out work for a congress my wife is organising end of this month. Almost forgot how much I like doing this - I had courses at university, but that's over 4 years ago.

It is remarkable how soon something you've learned (and liked!) comes back. There might be hope for the rest of everything I saw at university :) In fact, the same thing happened with photography: I had photography courses, and I'm more and more getting back into it.

As for the lay-out, I use Adobe InDesign; some Photoshop as well. Do not hesitate to give it a try - unlike many other professional software packages, you can try out a full, non-crippled version for free. If possible, I'll post a pdf when it's all ready.



The force is with me....

Registering with google helped quite a bit, I'd say.



We (as in, my wife and I) went to see Nanny McPhee yesterday evening. A very agreable film, and a confirmation of our reasons not to take kids.

Totally unrelated: I also saw Straight Shooter (as a rental DVD) this weekend. A German-made action thriller, with amongst others Dennis Hopper as a succesfull pimp. If you like the genre (I rather do), this is a must-see. A revelation compared to similar films, mostly because of the surprising camerawork and quite realistic "action". No happy end though - I'm almost not used to it anymore...